Raised Floor in DATA CENTER is designed to raised all equipment in DATA CENTER higher for wiring cable (power, LAN) and have a space for blowing cool air to release hot air and make equipment in good operation condition. The height of Raised Floor depends on size of room and environment’s requirement.
Our Water Leak Detection Systems not only sense the leaks, but also locate them, saving valuable time to repair the cause of the intrusion and aid in preventing further damage.
Water - in the right place - is our most important commodity but water leaks, in the wrong place at the wrong time can damage a business in a big way. What seems like an insignificant problem can cost millions when it comes to lost computer data, downed telecommunications switches, damaged files, ruined works of art, or water-soaked rare books. Personnel safety can be threatened by roof leaks in buildings, or by fire from water-caused electrical short circuits
In reversal case, many DATA CENTER face a problem of too many water from outside room come in to DATA CENETER and condensed water from Air condition at under raised floor. Water Leak Detection System will let administrator to know that having water under raised floor which may cause a problem of short circuit in power supply.
Water - in the right place - is our most important commodity but water leaks, in the wrong place at the wrong time can damage a business in a big way. What seems like an insignificant problem can cost millions when it comes to lost computer data, downed telecommunications switches, damaged files, ruined works of art, or water-soaked rare books. Personnel safety can be threatened by roof leaks in buildings, or by fire from water-caused electrical short circuits
In reversal case, many DATA CENTER face a problem of too many water from outside room come in to DATA CENETER and condensed water from Air condition at under raised floor. Water Leak Detection System will let administrator to know that having water under raised floor which may cause a problem of short circuit in power supply.

DEEP HUNTER GOLD METAL DETECTOR is the first detector in the world to combine the abiliiy to located Deep Treasure, Cavities and Individual Coins in one unit. Now, you can purchase a single , power ful detector that is capable of locating Both Individual coins and larger treasure at extreme depth.